Compare and Send Parcel Delivery Prices in our Calculator

Cheap International parcel delivery,
Send local or worldwide

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How it Works?

Enter parcel basic data
Compare shipping rates and
choose your best offer
Book shipment and wait
for the courier
Track your parcel

We work with best courier companies

About Us

SendParcelGo is your one-stop-shop for all your parcel sending needs. Whether you’re shipping to United Kingdom, Germany, or the United States, SendParcelGo makes it easy to send parcels to over 30+ countries around the world. From Australia to Canada, and all over Europe, we’ve got you covered.

What makes SendParcelGo stand out from the rest?

 International Parcel Delivery

Whether you’re sending parcels from Germany to UK, or from the United States to Australia, we’ll make it easy for you to get your parcels to their destination.

  E-Commerce Shipping Made Easy

Boost your online store’s efficiency with our easy-to-use eCommerce shipping tool! Connect seamlessly and ship your sold items directly from SendParcelGo!

  Quick Delivery

We’re here to make your online business operations easier, faster, and more satisfied.

  Real-Time Parcel Tracking

With our real-time parcel tracking, you’ll know exactly where your parcel is from pickup to delivery. The anticipation is real, so we’re here to keep you in the loop.

•  Why Choose Send Parcel Go:

We’re more than just a delivery service. We’re your global partner. Explore our simple, intuitive platform today and change the way you ship parcels around the world.

Let us make parcel sending feel like a friendly chat!


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